Generic are rules that you can apply besides any type
- required([options])
- custom([options])
- none([options])
- empty([options])
- equals(value, [options])
- exact(value, [options])
- onOf(arr, [options])
- exactOneOf(arr, [options])
Marks a field as required which will not allow undefined and null or empty string, object, array as value.
Optionally, you can provide a options object that can hold message and constraints.
Example :
import { Field } from "v4f";
const field = Field()
field.validate("str"); // true
field.validate(""); // false
field.validate(undefined); // false
field.validate(null); // false
NOTE : you can marks a field as Optional using the not modifier.
import { Field } from "v4f";
const field = Field()
field.validate("str"); // true
field.validate(""); // true
field.validate(undefined); // true
field.validate(null); // true
field.validate(9); // false, if the Field is optional and is not empty other rules are checked
Pass a custom validator function to check against the value of the field.
Optionally, you can provide a options object that can hold message and constraints.
NOTE : : validator function must return True or False.
Example :
import { Field } from "v4f";
const checkUppercase = value => value === value.toUpperCase();
const field = Field()
field.validate("STR"); // true
field.validate("str"); // false
Checks if the field value is a null or undefined or empty string, object, an array.
Optionally, you can provide a options object that can hold message and constraints.
Example :
import { Field } from "v4f";
const field = Field()
field.validate({ a: 1 }); // false
field.validate(undefined); // true
field.validate(null); // true
field.validate({}); // true
field.validate(""); // false, because the type is object not string
Checks if the field value is empty.
Optionally, you can provide a options object that can hold message and constraints.
Example :
import { Field } from "v4f";
const field = Field()
field.validate(""); // true
field.validate(undefined); // false
field.validate(null); // false
field.validate("lss"); // false
equals(value, [options])
Checks if the field value equals to value given as an argument to the rule.
Optionally, you can provide a options object that can hold message and constraints.
NOTE : equals rule use no strict operator == for equality , see exact for strict.
Example With String:
import { Field } from "v4f";
const field = Field()
field.validate("5"); // true
field.validate("lss"); // false
Example With Array:
import { Field } from "v4f";
const field = Field()
.equals([3, 3, [2, 2]])
field.validate([3, 3, [2, 2]]); // true
field.validate([2, 2]); // false
exact(value, [options])
Checks if the field value equals to value given as an argument to the rule.
Optionally, you can provide a options object that can hold message and constraints.
NOTE : equals rule use strict operator === for equality.
Example With String:
import { Field } from "v4f";
const field = Field()
field.validate("5"); // true
field.validate("lss"); // false
Example With Array:
import { Field } from "v4f";
const arr = [3, 3, [2, 2]];
const field = Field()
field.validate(arr); // true
field.validate([3, 3, [2, 2]]); // false
onOf(arr, [options])
Checks if the field value equals to one of the values in the array given as argument.
Optionally, you can provide a options object that can hold message and constraints.
NOTE : onOf rule use no strict operator == for equality , see exactOneOf for strict.
import { Field } from "v4f";
const field = Field()
.onOf([1, 3, 5, 7, 9]);
field.validate(1); // true
field.validate(7); // true
field.validate(4); // false
exactOneOf(arr, [options])
Checks if the field value exact equals to one of the values in the array given as argument.
Optionally, you can provide a options object that can hold message and constraints.
NOTE : onOf rule use strict operator === for equality .
import { Field } from "v4f";
const field = Field()
.onOf([1, 3, 5, 7, 9]);
field.validate(1); // true
field.validate(7); // true
field.validate(4); // false